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- This is the easiest way to get girls
- The WRONG way to talk to girls
- Get her back today
- “What every girl (secretly) needs…
- Take her home tonight
- Make other guys jealous
- The biggest LIE girls tell guys
- The fastest way to get a girlfriend
- Get her naked/clothes off in minutes
- (Trick to) Make her love you/fall in love
- Make a move without rejection
- Get your ex back
This is the easiest way to get girls
For a lot of guys is not just hard work…it’s downright painful
You make an effort, put yourself out there, even spend time and money courting a girl
Only to get ignored, rejected, and disappointed time after time
Did you know the easiest way to get girls is to make them think they’d be LUCKY to get you?
The crazy thing is it’s actually EASIER to do this with super-hot chicks
For most of my adult life I settled for average-looking girls. I thought any woman over a 7 was out of my league (now I won’t even talk to a girl less than an 8 in looks)
But then I met a guy who EXCLUSIVELY dated only the hottest women – models, dancers, actresses, etc.
But you’d never guess it when first meeting him, because he is chubby, in his 40’s and is VERY average in looks
I finally got him to share his secret with me…
The reason why it’s so easy to brainwash a super-hot girl into thinking you’re the *TROPHY* is that EVERY GUY makes the same mistake with these types of women…and the hotter she is, the more he does it
You’ll want to slap yourself when you see how easy it is to get the women you really want…
The only downside is looking back on all the easy fun you could have had all these years if you only stopped doing this dumb mistake!
Unfortunately, most guys have no idea what they are doing wrong – they are needlessly c*ckblocking themselves!
If you check out this short video
You can instantly replace this mistake with a powerful little formulate that makes the most BEAUTIFUL women want you!
Don’t miss out on another hottie
The WRONG way to talk to girls
Ever get stuck talking to a hot girl because you don’t know what to say, or how to flirt?
Meanwhile you may know a guy who has a natural “way” with women…
Every time he talks to a girl he gets her laughing, touching him, and showing obvious interest in him?
You could be “that guy” if you knew what he knew…
So I’m going to reveal the secret to getting women riled up and wanting you with simple small talk (combined with a little trick I’ve been using to build a harem of hot women all to myself)
Now you may think that guy is more *confident* but that’s not true. In fact, thinking in terms of “confidence with women” is ACTUALLY what’s holding you back!
I know that sounds strange, because most advice for men talks about confidence, attraction, etc.
But has any of that advice actually helped you…Or are you still confused like I was?
It wasn’t until I dropped everything I was TOLD about women, and found a simple formula I could use with any woman I knew…and even NEW women I met at work, bars, stores, even on the street.
I’m not what you’d call good-looking. I’m a 5’8” pudgy, middle-aged, white guy
But now that I know this formula
I ONLY date 20-something chicks, some are even in college
And I NEVER wait to get physical with these girls. Usually they are the ones DRAGGING ME to the bedroom!
If you’ve struggled to light a spark with the women you want, and you’re sick of watching OTHER guys get the girls
Take a minute to check out this formula here
I promise it works for any guy, regardless of looks or bank account…
Hey, I’m living proof! You got nothing to lose – seriously – give it a SHOT
Get her back today
Is there a girl you wanted, but you messed up your chances?
Or maybe a girl you used to date that you lost?
I have a way to get any girl to change her mind about you…
And the best part is she’ll have no clue what you’re doing until it’s too late, and she’s in your bed riding you into the night!
Most guys give up after the fail with a woman because they don’t realize how easy it is to get her back…IF you can trigger 3 simple, everyday emotions.
A few years ago, I was dating the girl of my dreams…and then out of the blue she DUMPED ME.
I had no clue about female psychology and looking back…I got “lucky” to date her in the first place.
So needless to say, once single, I failed over and over with new girls I met. Dates never lead to the bedroom, if they went out with me at all (I often couldn’t even get girls to text me back)
…Until I learned something strange about female psychology…
See every woman goes through the same emotional process when she
-gets aroused
-AND falls in love
If you can trigger the 3 emotions in this process, you can pull her strings like a Puppet Master!
Whether you want a her to be your *girl* or you want some *no-strings* fun – it’s up to you!
All you need to do is text her, or talk in person
If you can still get ahold of her and have a conversation, you can use this simple system whenever you want!
The best part is you can trigger these 3 Emotions in literally minutes when you use a simple little formula I discovered. You can check it out here >>
“What every girl (secretly) needs…
If women confuse you and you’re sick of feeling frustrated, you are in the right place because your life is about to change
What if you knew exactly what every woman needed…the one thing she could not get enough of?
You’d have the power to get any woman addicted to you, like a junky who needs her *fix*
There is something every woman craves more than anything else
And when you know what it is, you can tease her with it, so she follows you around like a puppy dog!
You probably know that society lies to men about what really works on women, which is why so many guys are frustrated, deprived, and end up settling for less than they can get…
After getting stood up, ignored, and dumped by AVERAGE looking girlfriends, I finally gave up and invested in a big bottle of lotion and a box of Kleenex.
You could say I was dating my hand, and it was a monogamous relationship let me tell you!
Then one day while browsing the internet, I came across a strange video…
This guy claimed to have a formula that would make a woman addicted to you, by triggering 3 basic emotions using normal everyday conversation
I didn’t believe it at first but I was curious so I kept watching…he actually made a ton of sense
See it for yourself >>
I was skeptical but then I tried it on a cute girl from work I’ve had my eye on…
And it almost worked too well (the other guys at the office noticed her giving me “the eye”)
She actually asked me out for a drink after work, and we ended up back at my place that same night
She’s been totally obsessed with me sense….
The only problem is I used the same trick on 3 other girls that week, and now I have a full roster of girls craving my c*ck!
It’s crazy how well this works…if you don’t believe me, check this out
Take her home tonight
If you’re like me you probably don’t actually like going on date after date, just to get a goodnight kiss..
Or a boring makeout session that only leaves you with blueb*lls!
What I’m about to tell you guarantees EVERY date ends the way YOU want, with any woman (no matter how much of a good girl she seems to be)
What you may not know is that women put men into 3 categories:
Friendzone (“nice guy” with no chance for s-e-x)
Provider (lots of dates and spending money until she “lets you” get your rocks off)
The Fun Guy (there are lots of names women call this type among themselves, but they will never reveal the existence of this 3rd type with other men…unless you ARE one of these guys)
I don’t even want to think about how much time and money I’ve wasted “courting” women, only for them to go cold and ignore my texts and phone calls…
The problem wasn’t that there was anything wrong with me…I simply didn’t understand the female mind like those 3rd-type “Fun guys”
They are also called “players” “naturals” “alpha males”…but those terms don’t explain HOW those guys get girls so easily
But this video breaks it down in a way ANY guy can understand…and USE INSTANTLY
The trick is to turn women on right away, and make 2 simple moves that show the woman:
You’ll blow her mind in bed…AND
She can have “adult fun” with you, without damaging her reputation
You can use this trick to take women home the first time you meet them
The reason why women will come back to your place so fast is because this trick makes her hot and wet, without worrying about looking easy
If you’re a red-blooded man, you OWE IT TO YOURSELF to learn this trick NOW
Make other guys jealous
Are you sick of getting girls passing you by
Only to see them go for dumb jerks who don’t deserve the girls they get?
When you KNOW you can make any woman want you within seconds, you’ll be fearless and in total control of your romantic life
And nothing compares to the pride you feel when other guys watch you with envy
The key is to simply NOT do what OTHER guys do
I have a couple friends that seemed to seduce every hot girl they talked to, almost by magic
I was that “nice guy” all the girls would ignore
I remember many times I’d try to “flirt” while the girls just got bored…
Only to see them laughing and touching one of these guy friends
It wasn’t fair!
These guys were “naturally” good with women, but they were operating on instinct
Once I learned a simple system to get inside a woman’s mind and say exactly what would make her want me…
I become THE GUY that my friends envied – in fact they started asking me for advice
Of course, I kept my secret to myself…
But if your’e reading this, you’re probably in the same boat I was, so I’m gonna give you the help I wish someone gave me years ago!
I just finished a free training video that breaks it all down for you
Look – if you can remember 5 simple words, you can use my system to get any girl hooked on your every word…
And then get her hooked on your “you-know-what”
I explain how easy it is on this free training video
The biggest LIE girls tell guys
If you’ve ever felt confused, frustrated, and downright depressed because you didn’t understand women…
Don’t feel bad…
Because women LIE to men about what they really want!
Women use this lie to test you – to see if you really believe it…
If she sees you know the truth, she will let her guard down and do any wild thing you want!
But don’t get mad – this is just part of her “screening process.”
Guys screen women for their looks (you probably like a nice rack, pretty face, smooth skin, etc)
But women screen men for personality
She is most interested in your mind, not your body…so she’s screening just like you…only for different things
I used to be a HUGE dud with women because I had no idea what they REALLY wanted
I listened to what they SAID they wanted
Which only stuck me in the “friend zone” with every girl I liked
Until I FINALLY cracked the “female code”
See, not only do women lie about what they really want…there’s an even BIGGER lie that society tells men:
“Women are complicated”
Maybe about some things…but when it comes to making a woman aroused and craving your attention, women are extremely simple IF you now this “code”
If you’ve ever been talking about a sport with a guy, and then another guy tries to chime in, you can tell if he really knows the game or not.
If you know the game, and he’s faking like he does, you can tell pretty fast
It’s the same with women – so all you gotta do is know “the game” and she will see you differently than the other clueless chumps
My man Brian breaks this down in a POWERFUL training video here
The best part is that it’s totally free, and will change your life FOREVER
You might be skeptical like I was, so I urge you to check it out and see for yourself!
The fastest way to get a girlfriend
It sucks to be single for too long
Not only do you go through a “dry spell” but it can get lonely
AND frustrating to see OTHER guys with beautiful sweet girlfriends
The 2 best things about having a great girlfriend are:
1) you can get laid anytime you want and
2) you have a woman who takes care of you and has your back when you’re stressed or struggling in life
Often guys get in their own way when it comes to getting a girlfriend
When it comes to the BEST girls, you’re more likely to scare them away trying to start a relationship…
IF you don’t know what I’m about to tell you
I found this out the hard way…
For 3 months I flirted with a girl I met through friends
We had great chemistry, and our mutual friends confided that she was super into me and waiting for me to ask her out
Finally I worked up the nerve, and we went on a date…
Afterwards she respond to ONE text, and then never spoke to me again…
I had somehow scared her off!
See, I made one HUGE mistake
Which I only realized a year later…
But what really freaked me out was that I had done the same thing to several other girls in the past
No WONDER I was always single and struggled to get a second date!
Luckily I discovered an EASY way to get a girlfriend
In fact, it’s foolproof.
You literally can’t fail – if you meet a girl and want to make her a devoted loving girlfriend
Because you’re going to use a simple system to trigger the 3 emotions that make ALL women fall in love
This video explains the system in-depth >>
The really crazy part of this system is that it not only makes her love you, it makes her ADDICTED to you
Because the same tiny region of the brain that controls feelings of love, also controls addiction
That’s why this system is not only POWERFUL, it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before
Check it out
Get her naked/clothes off in minutes
Have you ever had a girl come to your place, and there you are sitting on the couch…wanting to see her soft little body underneath her clothes…
But you just don’t know how to make a move?
For most guys, this situation can be a bit of a puzzle…
What if I told you I have a way to not just get her out of her clothes
But get her to completely strip for you and do whatever you ask her to do
Using a loophole in female psychology to sidestep all her objections to getting busy with you
By doing the OPPOSITE of what most guys do
When I was younger, I was in better shape and better looking than now (I’m in my late 30’s and have a beer belly now)
So I’d have girls interested in me, and they’d come over…but I was so clueless I had no idea how to take things to the next level
This was extremely frustrating..and now that I know what I’m doing, I regret all those nights I missed out on hot, passionate *fun* with young ladies
The problem was, I didn’t realize
This video shows you how easy it is to get a girl naked, on her hands and knees… BEGGING for your manhood!
See that’s the trick – instead of trying to get her clothes off, you need to focus her attention on pleasuring YOU…
And you can do this in literally minutes after she comes back to your place (or you go to hers)
It’s super easy and can do it with any and every woman who comes over
Don’t miss another opportunity! It only takes a minute so check it out
Click here >>
(Trick to) Make her love you/fall in love
If you’ve ever had a crush on a girl and wished she could be yours…
You know how frustrating it can be to want someone who doesn’t want you back
What if you could make that one girl you’ve had your eye on
Without telling her how you feel, asking her out, or making any attempt to win her over…
But instead by tricking her to CHASE YOU!
Up until a couple years ago, I was the very definition of “nice guy” – I thought if I was a gentleman and waited for the right moment, eventually girls would see that I was a good guy.
I thought that my good salary, nice car, and fit body would make women see me as “boyfriend material”
But none of that mattered because I was missing the *one thing* every woman REALLY wants!
You must entice her to chase you, and get her thinking naughty thoughts about you and her…alone together.
I discovered super easy trick to do this…
And it’s a little *sneaky* because you actually use it when making simple, everyday small talk!
Check it out for yourself >>
If you’re like me, you’ll wish you knew this trick years ago – hell, I could’ve used this on the cheerleaders in high school, the party girls in college.
You could say I’m now making up for “lost time” – hook up with babes I meet in bars, cafes, even the store!
I’m a dangerous man, and when you learn this trick, you will be TOO
Don’t miss out on anymore easy action! It only takes a few minutes to learn
Make a move without rejection
Have you ever felt nervous about making a move on a girl…
Biding your time, waiting for the right moment…
And then when you took the risk and tried to kiss her, she pulled away, turned her head,
Or looked at you like you were crazy?
I’m gonna show you how to tease a girl until she’s DYING for you to touch her, kiss her, and more…
So that you’ll know exactly when to make your move, and take things to the next level
Without ANY CHANCE of rejection or awkwardness
The key is to touch and kiss a woman in the right order…
In other words you must give her your attention and affection as a REWARD
If you don’t do this, you’ll look desperate, needy, and awkward
I screwed this up so many times that by the time I was in my 30’s I was absolutely terrified of going out with women, because I knew it wold likely end awkwardly, with me trying to kiss her…only to get treated like I had poop on my face
I spent many lonely nights at home, alone, simply because I was afraid of rejection
Until I found this POWERFUL METHOD
I was skeptical at first, but I decided to give it a shot because…
Hey, I had nothing to lose, and it’s not like my dating life could get any worse!
What I was surpassed at how easily this method was to use in real-life, with real women
But I was downright SHOCKED at how FAST it worked…
In fact, women often KISSED ME (which I like much better)
In this free training presentation, you’ll see how insanely simple this method is . Click Here
When you follow the 3 simple steps in this method, you’ll be making out and ripping each other’s clothes off. Don’t go on another date before checking this out
Get your ex back
Have you lost a great girl, and now you want her back?
If you’re heartbroken and wish you could go back in time before the relationship went bad,
I have The Solution
The mistake most guys make is that they try to FIX a mistake they made in the past, instead of using a simple system to re-ignite her passion arousal, and affection for you NOW
I went through this myself a 3 years ago before I learned this simple Solution…
And no matter what I said or did, she wouldn’t take me back
I got another girlfriend last year, and this time I knew she was the one…
But I managed to lose her too!
Luckily this time I found a free video that shows you how to get your girl back >>>
See, the Solution is a simple, step-by-step system to seduce your ex all over again
Only it’s a much shorter process than when you first started dating her
Because you’ve already planted certain “love” seeds in her mind
If she’s already CARED about you at one point, then all you have to do is follow the steps in this system
And she will fall faster and HARDER for you this time around…
It will feel like falling in love all over again
Which means you’re relationship will be much stronger
Lovemaking will be better
And she will never go astray because she’ll be afraid of losing YOU (not the other way around)
This system uses three emotional “triggers” that we all feel every day
The only difference is, you trigger these emotions ALL AT ONCE
All you need to do is text or talk to her for a couple minutes
And she’ll be yours again
Check it out here >>