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Sequential series
BJ Tip 1 - Be The Prize (301 words)
BJ Tip 1 – Be The Prize
Hey man – it’s your boy, [[[Brian Burke]]], your personal expert on how to get head from women…
I want to tell you about the first step (of 3) to get more head than a 1980s rockstar.
(If you want to jump ahead and learn all my proven, tested & perfected tricks, check this video out here
So, I grew up with a guy named Devin … he was a master at something called “Framing.” Most WOMEN are very good at framing, but Devin was better. He used this trick to make women think that his d**k was like a trophy – a gift that SHE had to earn.
So when he wanted head, the girls felt HONORED to do it…
Now this guy was overweight (not fat, but he had a belly, like me), and he wasn’t good-looking. But he understood deep female se.x.ual psychology. He was what you might call, “a natural.”
Years later, I finally cracked the code that he intuitively knew, when I discovered how framing works. It’s all about the MEANING about the act of 0ral-S..e..x, in other words, how the girl THINKS about going down on you.
I’ve tested and perfected a system that uses framing, but also two other key components, to literally make any woman addicted to sucking you off, because she sees it as her “reward.”
I break this down in more detail in this raw, uncensored, FREE training video >>
So if you’re like me and you love getting mouth hugs from women, you gotta check it out!
Tomorrow I’ll tell you about the second principle in my groundbreaking, one-of-a-kind BJ Power Play System, so watch that video, and I’ll talk to you soon!
[[[Brian “The Mouth-Hug Magnate” Burke]]]
BJ Tip 2 - Keep her on her knees (260 words)
BJ Tip 2 – Keep her on her knees
Hey boss – [[[Brian Burke]]], back again.
I’ll cut to the chase…
If you’re wife or girlfriend STOPPED giving you B-L-0-W.J0BS or never even started, it’s NOT because she is wired to hate it.
It’s because of two mistakes you probably made: 1) You lost “Authority” and 2) You stopped creating “Power Flux” in the relationship (or never started)
I know these might sound weird, but don’t worry – they are just psychology terms for simple concepts.
Authority is how much (or little) control you carry with your woman, and Power Flux is the difference between how much control SHE feels when she gives you head.
Now as I said, you should NEVER beg for head or worse…give gifts or do favors hoping she’ll get the hint
This KILLS her desire to go down on you, because she feels like she’s doing you a favor, rather than getting a reward.
You may not have realized this, but many women avoid 0.r.a.l $.e.x because they lack confidence!
(More on how To fix this later)
But once you rebuild authority, and use my Power Flux technique, you can quickly build her confidence while challenging her to improve her skills more and more
I break it all down in this free training video
See you there!
[[[Brian Burke]]]
P.S.The free training video is coming down in exactly 1 day, so hurry up and watch it so you can start getting p0rn$tar quality head NOW!
BJ Tip 3 - Giving Head is her hobby now (335 words)
BJ Tip 3 – Giving Head is her hobby now
Hey man – [[[Brian Burke]]] here…
If you’re like me, then you don’t just want a mediocre b.l.o.w-job here and there. You want to get serviced the exact way you want, whenever you want. You want your woman (or women) to love nothing more than to kneel down and bob her pretty little head on your manhood.
As I’ve said, I have a life-changing free training video you can access for ONE MORE DAY.
One of the things I talk about in this video is the concept of Inclusion, which is a super important concept in female psychology.
See, women have s..e..x and give head because they want to bond with you. The problem is that when a woman goes down, she feels less “close” to you. She can’t look in your eyes, her head is lower than yours, and she literally can’t talk to you.
This can lead to her feeling like she’s being demeaned, and that you will see her as dirty, and think less of her if she gives you head.
So you need to change how she thinks about all this, so that she instead sees o-r-a-l s.e..x as a way to bond with you.
And when you use Inclusion, and specific, tested trance language I’ve developed, you will not only get her to LOVE going down on you… she will want to give you the best BJ you’ve ever had, EVERY TIME. She will make it her mission in life to learn exactly how you like your d*** sucked.
Check out this free training video to learn how YOU can use this simple trick, and start getting the head you want, and truly deserve.
Sincerely, your friend and fellow BJ Conosseur,
[[[Brian Burke]]]
P.S. The video will only be up for a couple more hours, so don’t wait. (And why would you? Don’t you want some mind-blowing head tonight?)
Others - sorted by length
Make her fall in love with you - using bjs (193 words)
Make her fall in love with you – using bjs
Females are full of surprises – One of my biggest “paradigm shifts” was when I finally knew I could make a girl FALL IN LOVE with me by making my hard-o.n. her new play toy
See, when you do it right, and set it up right…
women can actually get more EMOTIONALLY connected to you by giving you slow, sloppy head or a fast pony-tail-bobbing BJ…
And this will have her coming back for more, for life!
When you know how, it’s simple in fact And I’ve perfected this into A SYSTEM
Figuring this out was my all-consuming obsession for nearly 10 years
It’s a simple, repeatable scientific system which I’ve been using since then…
… to get women hooked on making me blast my load straight into their pretty little mouths!
Sometimes they enjoy it more than I do! (quality problems lol)
And far from making her feel used or denigrated , this system makes her feel like a queen, YOUR BJ Queen!
Click here to learn the system >>
Your friend and fellow BJ Aficionado -[[[[Brian Burke]]]]
3 effective tricks to get more BJs (202 words)
3 effective tricks to get more BJs
Today I want to talk about The 3 secrets of getting more Head
Let’s be honest guys, there’s nothing better than when a beautiful woman puts you IN HER MOUTH
And it’s even better when she’s really into it!
I used to think it was *impossible to get hot girls addicted to bjs
Guess who proved to me this was ABSOLUTELY FALSE?
Well, lots of women lol
But society lies to us and hides one huge secret…
How much women truly LOVE giving passionate bj action to the RIGHT sort of man!
The sort of man who knows HOW to make her WANT to give you more head
The problem is, most guys have no clue.
Well that’s actually good news for us, because my friend invested the past ten years to discover 3 little-known keys that make any woman CRAVE to give you all the oral action you can handle
This guy is truly a mad scientist. I’ve known him for years and consider him the bonafide Einstein of unlocking a woman’s lips
You’ll be ‘BLOWN’ away!
How to make her your BJ JUNKY (288 words)
How to make her your BJ JUNKY
Hey man, [[[Brian Burke]]] here again
I’ll get straight to it today…
…sometimes you have to get brutally honest with yourself
A few years ago I had a breakthrough moment
I reflected on what I really wanted
and I admitted that what I REALLY wanted more than anything else… was to have a small harem of rabid B-L-0-W J0B JUNKIES
I didn’t just want to ‘luck out’ here and there
I wanted women to enjoy the hell out it…
and I wanted to skip the flowers and sweet talk And just have the bjs come fast & furious!
I wanted them hungry to come back for more
The fantasy is now a reality for me
The hidden truth is that 99% of women are literally HARD WIRED to get aroused by “servicing” a man with her mouth, for some very odd psychological reasons which you’ll see in a sec
(has to do with the right side of her prefrontal cortex)
The problem is that most men make critical hidden mistakes which turn her off to it…if not right away, than within a few times of her going down on you (which is why she eventually stops)
Well mark 2015 as your ‘bj breakthrough’ year!
Because I have officially cracked “FeIIati0 Fort Knox”
Watch this video to learn what I discovered >>
*** You will get more sloppy head in the next few weeks than you’ve gotten in the past decade ***
It works on wives, girlfriends, and even on women you just met
This video explains a simple “power move” you can use to get any woman addicted to s#cking you off.
Why she HATES giving you head (323 words)
“Why she HATES giving you head”
“ Things were SO HOT to begin with…
She would tug at my zipper with her little hands She couldn’t wait to slap my manhood all over her tongue and take me in
But soon the BJ Train slowed to a screeching halt The occasional “birthday bL0ww job” is quite pathetic, really
It should be something she wants to do all the time. Hell, I do!
She isn’t into it, treats it like a goddam favor to shut me up
Yes I still think she’s attractive, but I want to see her enjoy it! I want to SEE IT in her eyes looking up at me”
That’s what a recent client wrote to me…
Well actually countless clients have all shared the same sad story
*** And I’ve been there before too ***
In fact, fixing this depressing pattern was my all consuming obsession for years
How to GET and KEEP a woman wild for giving me head
The fact is women love giving wet passionate BL*WJ0BS to the right sort of guy
When you hit the 3 bj triggers explained in this video
A small percentage of men accidentally stumble on these 3 triggers which nail the oral fixation center in her female brain… so they just keep doing what worked
Lucky them
The problem is women start HATING bjs because most men never know how to do this
And most men make CRITICAL hidden mistakes which turn off her excitement for it
The crazy part is that women get more EMOTIONALLY connected to you by giving you a slow passionate tongue bath or a wet vacuum-suction bj or even a frenzied de.e.p-throat session…
…But only if you set things up the right way
This system for getting her hooked on giving you more & more head is my proudest achievement to date
Why you're not getting BJs (421 words)
Why you’re not getting BJ’s
Hey buddy – [[[Brian Burke]]], back again to tell you how you can get more B’J’s from your wife, girlfriend, or ANY girl you date…
I have some really powerful hacks you can use to transform any woman into your personal B-L-0-W J-0-B JUNKY on the way.
But first you need to know about the Axis of Evil – the people LYING to you about REAL female sexuality.
Because once I pull the blindfold off your eyes, NOTHING can stop you from getting all the 0.r.a.I. service you can handle!
First – OTHER MEN who already get a lot of head will NOT talk about it openly. And if you ask…they’ll play it off with some BS about how they just get lucky, or have some magical “knack” with chicks.
Second – WOMEN cannot tell you what REALLY makes them want to go down. They’ll tell you to be romantic, buy gifts, or just wait until “she’s in the mood.”
This is NOT what works in real life.
And if a girl told you the secret, and you used it, it wouldn’t be as fun for her.
Kind of like if you watched her put on makeup, versus just seeing her appear all dolled-up. It would ruin the fantasy.
And third, the MEDIA (movies, TV, magazines, s#x-advice websites, etc) all tell you the exact opposite of what to do to make a woman turned on and crave your c**k.
In this video, I expose the tricks these three liars use to brainwash you, and then I give you the KEYS to Fellatio Fort Knox.
But I gotta warn you, this video is NOT safe for work, and is pretty “adult” in nature.
It is not for men who are easily offended, and don’t have the guts to go for what you really want.
But if you’re ready to get blown like a rockstar TONIGHT, you NEED to watch this video before I’m forced to take it down by the prudish internet censors that don’t want you to know about the BJ Power Play System.
Now excuse me while I go get my knob polished by one of my 20-something BL0w*J0B Junkies
Til next time,
[[[Brian Burke]]]
P.S. In the next letter, I will tell you about the first mind-hack used by me, and hundreds of guys (of all ages and backgrounds) to compel a girl to get on her knees. Until then, check out this mind-blowing (pun intended) video NOW! Click Here >>
Want more B-L-0-W- J0BS? (556 words)
Want more B-L-0-W- J0BS?
Hey man, [[[Brian Burke]]] here
If you’re a straight guy, you probably like nothing better than a deep, wet, passionate BL0W J0B from a hot chick…
Well, I’ve discovered a 3-Step System to get head from your wife, girlfriend, or even a woman you just met …ON COMMAND
In fact if you follow these steps you can turn a woman into your personal BL0W J0B JUNKY
It doesn’t matter if she seems like ‘good girl’ or hasn’t gone down on you yet…
Best of all, I’ve spent 10 years perfecting this system to work especially well on women who SAY they don’t like giving head…
And here’s how: when a woman SAYS this, it’s because she has thoughts and feelings associated with it. So all you have to do is change her mind, and her emotions will follow…
You need to change what BJ’s MEAN to her, by using a couple tricks to hack the female brain. This is actually really easy once you know these tricks.
Now for most guys the female mind is a mystery, but not because women are complicated.
See, Women HAVE to hide Their true S.e. % u.a.I nature from EVERYONE, including their best friends
BUt even more so from guys… even if you’re in a serious relationship.
As I explain in this video, almost ALL straight women are secretly wired to LOVE sucking c*ck …but:
a) She can’t admit it
b) She probably has bad experiences with guys who DONT KNOW this system, and
c) She wants a c**k she can worship, but can’t explain what makes her feel this way
This leaves you (and most other guys) confused and frustrated because you are MISSING OUT on mind-blowing mouth-hugs…for no damn reason.
I’ve been there, and it sucks (er, doesn’t suck…haha you know what I mean), but I’m just like you – I LOVE getting head from chicks.
Which is why I went on a 10-year quest to find a solution to my bj dry spell.
And once I discovered it, I began testing it on every woman I dated…and gave it to my close guy friends so they could test it out too.
Well that was a little over a year ago, and the results have been MORE than I expected…
And that’s why I decided to share this video, explaining how hundreds of guys from all backgrounds are using 3 simple yet-POWERFUL steps to turn girls into dedicated sucking, slobbering BL0W J0B JUNKIES
I call it the BJ Power Play, because it Activates 3 Sexual triggers in the female mind to get her addicted your dong, craving your cum, and dropping to her knees whenever YOU give her permission.
Yes, I said “permission.” That’s the first key to my system. I know that might sound weird, but I explain everything in this free training video
Til next time,
[[[Brian “Blow Me” Burke]]]
I’ll tell you the crazy story of
how I came up with the Bj Power Play system
in the next letter,
and share some of my best tips for
how to get more head in the next few days…
But in the meantime, I urge you to check out this video because it has a TON of powerful information you can use to get head TONIGHT!
She came to my place every night just to... (934 words)
She came to my place every night just to…
Hey buddy!
It’s your friend and fellow BJ Aficionado, [[[Brian Burke]]], back to tell you how to get more lip-love on your man-parts from your wife, girlfriend…or any girl you know… even if she said she doesn’t like it!
Now if you want mind-blowing head whenever you want, I need to give you some background on my proven 3-Step BJ Power Play System (which you can find here )
For every lucky bastard getting serviced like a king, there are 10 guys who struggle to get one decent “dome-session” in a year… even if you’re married!
Meanwhile there are guys who get all the head they want on a daily basis… sometimes by different women (my favorite)
I’ve always been obsessed with getting head from girls. Even as a teenager, I’d spend all day at school picturing every girl in class on her knees with her mouth full of Brian Sausage.
But I never imagined there could be an actual code to get head on command
It took a ton of confusing, frustrating, and often embarrassing trial and error to figure it out. I was a total dud with chicks in high school, college, and well into my 20’s.
I had to face reality and figure out how to get what I wanted from women When I set my mind on something I focus on it completely and turn it into a system I can put on autopilot.
Maybe I’m crazy, or just a total nerd… but if there’s ONE thing I’m more obsessed with more than getting BJ’s, it’s efficiency. And I remember the first time I felt like I was really on to something…
I was broke and totally depressed about my lame s. e. x. life (if you could even call it that)…
I was moving out of my apartment, and while carrying boxes out to my car I ran into Amy, a cute blonde with a bubble butt who had lived a floor below me
She said it was a shame we never got to know each other more so I awkwardly invited her to visit my new place some time for “a house warming drink” (pretty smooth considering how nervous i was)
She lit up and offered to help unload boxes and take me up on that drink right then. I was so surprised, I completely forgot to stop for a bottle of wine on the drive over!
Apparently her mind was on something else too, because later we were talking about dating and s- e- x- and she jokingly bragged about her great BL0W J0B technique
She looked down at the growing bulge in my gym shorts and giggled… I told her she was being a tease and she took the bait!
She started slow – nothing special, but then I did a couple things that made her look up with a naughty grin, and go back to work like my d**k was the last one she’d ever see!
Now here’s what I didn’t mention before – a couple months prior, I began studying female s.e.%.u.a.l. psychology like I was studying for a PHD!
And I stumbled upon a few interesting ideas, took some notes, and told myself that the next time a girl went down on me (whenever that would be), that I would
1) Express my pleasure with specific “dirty talk” phrases, and
2) Make certain “unusual” movements and sounds in response to her mouth action…
I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had also done a few key things before she went down, which made her want to blow me when we were talking about dating!
Well, Amy dumped her boyfriend and we started dating, and by dating I mean that for the next 8 months she would come over 3-4 times a week just to suck and gag on me for an hour
She even said she’d rather blow me than have $- e- x!
But all of a sudden her passion died and she stopped calling me back. Years later we caught up on Facebook. And she explained why she changed.
I had done a couple things that totally killed her passion for my manhood. And it’s funny because hundreds of men now come to me for the training I’m gonna give you… and they always tell me that they made the exact same mistakes!
Now Amy probably already enjoyed giving head, and she was clearly attracted to me from the start. But the way I got her to go down so fast, and get addicted to it told me I was on to something, because that had never happened before.
And the proof of this is that when I made those couple mistakes, she went from a BL.0.W. J.0.B JUNKY, to complete disinterest. In fact, she told me so years later after the smoke had cleared.
I kept tweaking things until I had a rock-solid, fool-proof system that is so groundbreaking I knew it would make getting BJs infinitely easier for the average guy, which is why I can’t wait to share it with you. Check it out – Click here to watch >>
Yours truly,
[[[Brian “Get Brains” Burke]]]
P.S. In my last message, I told you two things:
1) Women keep their true sexual nature a secret from men, and
2) You will give your woman permission to go down on you, which she will gladly do. I know this sounds weird, but it will make sense after the next email.
In the meantime, check out the training video here
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